New pages
- 12:26, 8 July 2020 Fishing Quick Guide (hist) [3,365 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Note''': this page is being written. Wait for more information about Fishing. <p> Fishing is a skill that belongs to the Operational class. <p> Don't think that fishing in...")
- 11:52, 8 July 2020 Cooking Quick Guide (hist) [2,568 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==== Cooking - Operational Class ==== <p> Cooking is the skill that controls the ability to make Food and Drink, basically. Leveling up the skill will allow the player to use...")
- 15:59, 4 July 2020 Food and Drinks (hist) [1,420 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "To maintain your stats high and don't die, you need Food and Drink to reduce hunger and thirst. <p> They are also called Consumables and can also increase Energy, Health, and...")
- 01:37, 3 July 2020 Open Beta Testing (hist) [4,182 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Testing Open Beta - First part For the first part we want to test the HUD and its reaction to the weather system, and also how the stats will react to food and drinks and...")
- 04:36, 12 May 2020 Cyber Implants (hist) [180 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Who don't like cyber-implants? We will have it too, for humans and aliens alike. These implants will require lots of work to be built, but will give some extra stats and abili...")
- 04:35, 12 May 2020 Stats Enhancement for Humans (hist) [190 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "DNA research will available not only for alien races, but for humans too. It will allow you change the maximun and minimum temperature you can bear, and also the maximum value...")
- 04:34, 12 May 2020 Build-It! System (hist) [394 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Built-In System will be a different way to build things using crafting materials. Instead of working in a crafting station and getting a house ready in your inventory, you...")
- 04:32, 12 May 2020 Guilds (hist) [237 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Want to form a family? A guild? Be the captain of a spaceship with the best crew? This is what you will can do wit the "Guilds". <p> There will be in fact a way to register la...")
- 04:30, 12 May 2020 Farming Animals (hist) [227 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Tess-Gen will have the concept of farming animals inside enclosures (barns). Less prims used, easier to take care of them. But the game can also have the "classic" farm animal...")
- 22:10, 11 May 2020 DNA Engineering Subject (hist) [361 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "DES is the alien class. Players that want to be turned into an alien will be set to this class, and will need to do all the tasks required to earn the final mesh body (BoM ena...")
- 21:34, 11 May 2020 Game HUD (hist) [3,346 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Game HUD is the most important object, without it you cannot play. <p> It will show all your stats, the quick slots for the Backpack, allows you to level up your skill...")
- 15:47, 10 May 2020 Apparel (hist) [1,890 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The TESS-GEN Apparel is made to protec to player from weather conditions, and also can provide armor protection when in pVp battles. <p> There is various ways to get a Apparel...")
- 02:58, 10 May 2020 Weapons (hist) [586 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The game has only ranged weapons available for now. To use a weapon, player need to wear it and enter Mouselook mode. <p> Weapons requires ammunition, that can be cosmic energ...")
- 01:44, 10 May 2020 Fighting Quick Guide (hist) [1,802 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The same weapons used in Hunting will also cause harm in another player, but there is no friendly fire in the game, except in two occasions: # - A mission that has pVp act...")
- 01:20, 10 May 2020 Roles and Classes (hist) [1,301 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Roles''' are used to identify what the player do in the game, what is its status. Every player is in the Civilian role and the role cannot be changed. The other roles are u...")
- 23:03, 9 May 2020 How to Play (hist) [4,705 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "To play TESS-GEN you need first to register your account. This is not done automatically with the HUD, you will need to visit the Main Hall at The Elven Starship, and use the...")
- 00:07, 9 May 2020 Processing Units (hist) [691 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Processing Units, as their name say, are units that turns some input materials into different ones over a certain amount of time. <p> They come in various models with varies c...")
- 22:46, 8 May 2020 Recipe Books (hist) [969 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "All items created in the game in crafting stations require the player know the proper recipe. <p> You can check the recipes and their material list in the website, but you can...")
- 22:36, 8 May 2020 Tools (hist) [1,149 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Tools are used in some actions in the game, like repairing, harvesting, tending field, working in blacksmithing. <p> Some actions require the proper tool, or you can't do it....")
- 21:38, 8 May 2020 MRE (hist) [3,875 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "MREs (Meal Ready to Eat) are a way to consume and sell Food and Drinks. They allows you to add up to 8 different types of foods and drinks and apply your own texture as label....")
- 20:44, 8 May 2020 Storing and managing game items (hist) [2,265 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "TESS-GEN uses the concept of containers to store ingredients and materials, instead of sending the ingredient as an object or storing it only in the server. <p> For example, t...")
- 15:05, 8 May 2020 NPCs (hist) [1,028 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The NPCs (Nom Playable Character) are the automatized helpers of the game, and they can do a variety of tasks, that includes recovering lost "rez me" objects, giving missions,...")
- 14:49, 8 May 2020 Lost items (hist) [1,506 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Some items in the game, if lost, can be recovered. How to recover them will depend of each type. <p> And, yes, for some we put the interaction with a NPC to make game more dyn...")
- 11:18, 7 May 2020 First Steps (hist) [359 bytes] RusDarkElf (talk | contribs) (Created page with "There are the fist steps topis to learn how the game works and how to play it. <p> Don't worry, they are short texts with examples. <p> * What is TESS-GEN * [[How to Play]...")